font_shop: MyFonts

Helvetian Times

Helvetian Times font

Helvetian Times is an unusual typeface. It clearly thinks it’s a standard text font, but the offbeat letter shapes and inconsistent serifs combine to form something that defies conventional categorization. Helvetian Times works well...

Iteration Gap

Iteration Gap font

The forerunner of my font, Natural Dark.

Kings in Disguise

Kings in Disguise font

Kings in Disguise is a chunky, balloon font of the sort used extensively during the 1970s. It has a retro, disco feel and is ideal for signs and logos. The name comes from a...


Kryptonite font

Designed to be the ultimate grunge font, Kryptonite and Kryptonite Bizarro are nearly illegible at small sizes, but can’t be touched at large sizes. The Kryptonite family has a limited character set and is...

ITC Orbon

ITC Orbon font

Grecian Empire

Grecian Empire font

The designer’s father, Philip Grecian drew a logo for his business, Grecian Creative Services and asked Alex Grecian to expand on the logo. Alex extrapolated from the existing letters, creating a font to compliment...

Extreme Junction

Extreme Junction font

Extreme Junction was created for use in designing logos, signs and letterheads and has a limited character set. The uppercase letters are outline versions of the plain lowercase letters. Characters can be overlapped or...


Gorey font

Named for the late illustrator, Edward Gorey. One of the greats!

ITC Octone

ITC Octone font

Christy Marie

Christy Marie font

Christy Marie likes fun fonts. This was the first font to meet with her approval. It’s bouncy, teenage girl sort of font and would do well at parties or the mall.