font_shop: MyFonts

Garage Gothic

Garage Gothic font

For gritty reality and rust-belt appearance, Garage Gothic Regular was derived from numbered tickets given at city parking garages. “Irregular contours and rough alignments found on the lettering were retained in the font, albeit...


Whirligig font


ZeitGuys font


Epitaph font

Drawn at the close of the nineteenth century at the Boston branch of American Type Founders, Epitaph was modeled on a graceful Art Nouveau letterform that was bringing a new vitality to gravestone inscriptions...


Suburban font


Thingbat font


Eldorado font

Of W. A. Dwiggins’ wartime experiments, the most successful was Eldorado, released by Mergenthaler in 1953. With unusual fidelity, he followed an early roman lowercase, cut in the 16th century by Jacques de Sanlecque...

El Grande

El Grande font

You have seen El Grande in mid-century comic books, used wherever simple, black-and-white ideas had to be driven hard, all the way home. The design was adopted by American grocery stores, by supermarkets, by...


Elli font

The typeface Elli was named to honor Eleanor Garvey, Houghton Library’s famed and much-loved Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts at Harvard University. For Elli’s 1990 retirement, Bill Bentinck-Smith commissioned Jean Evans to design...