font_shop: MyFonts

Bodoni FB

Bodoni FB font

Working at American Type Founders from a Bruce Foundry recutting, Morris Fuller Benton worked out the dramatics of the English Fat Face, and in 1928 produced Ultra Bodoni, a headline spectacular. Using Benton’s 1933...

Bradley Initials

Bradley Initials font

Designed by Will Bradley as “Bradley Ultra Modern Initials,” these spectacular Art Deco capitals appear for the first time in the nineteen thirty-four ATF specimen. The original design was limited to the twenty-six capitals...

Bodega Sans

Bodega Sans font

Released in 1990, Bodega Sans adopts numerous ideas from the high period of Art Deco, providing designs that are as fresh as they are nostalgic. This geometric series, with its later seriffed companion, Bodega...


Gripewriter font

Typewriters are becoming scarce, but fonts designed to look like they came from typewriters aren’t. In this case, however, Gripewriter is meant to look as if it were typed on a textured paper and...

Ang Thong

Ang Thong font

Bitstream developed Ang Thong for the Microsoft Windows operating system. The font is encoded with a Microsoft defined Thai character set, Thai Code Page 874. The font includes Thai glyphs and Latin glyphs from...

Licious Script

Licious Script font

Licious Script is based on old letterpress standards utilized for logotypes. Licious is ideally suited for use in modern design and offers a sense of nostalgia while providing uncompromising flexibility.


Eco-Nomico font

Eco-nomico is the pop version of Eco, designed in 2001.

Prov Designer NDP

Prov Designer NDP font

Graphic designers tend to lose that machine-precise engineer handwriting some are taught in school. Their more abstract creative nature filters through, and you end up with a more loose, fun print. Modeled after several...

Ornate Initials

Ornate Initials font

Style One is composed of a floral ornament rotated and reflected at 90 degree increments combined with a letter or number to form each ornate initial. The initials are A through Z and 1...


Exhaust font

The Exhaust Typeface is a modern, clean design with some influence coming from exhaust systems. Aimed at the youth market, it would suit all areas of modern design.