font_shop: MyFonts

Fedra Mono

Fedra Mono font

Fedra Mono was developed for an annual report that required a fixed-width counterpart to Fedra Sans. All the characters share the same widths, which makes it suitable for tabular setting when the information benefit...

Fedra Sans

Fedra Sans font

Fedra Sans was originally commissioned by Paris-based Ruedi Baur Integral Design and developed as a corporate font for Bayerische Rück, a German insurance company, as part of their new visual identity. According to the...


Tiamaria font

In the 70’s I went out with a girl whose father was a card-carrying member of 3 of the biggest unions in the printing arts. He gave me 2 things, a pre-war Linotype specimen...


Champollion font

Designed while I was studying at the Atelier National de Création Typographique in Paris. The Atelier was equipped with an old laser printer called Champollion which had regular habits of ‘random printing’. Courier typeface...


Robusto font

Thirteen or 14 years ago I admired, out loud, a book I found on a shelf in Matt Carter’s office. That Christmas I was pleasantly surprised to find that Matt had found another copy...


Sonic font


Sprocket font

Stone Age

Stone Age font