font_shop: MyFonts


Memory font

A typeface inspired by 1980’s graphic design fused with a modern futuristic style. Aimed at the Fashion industry and style magazines.

Altemus Stars

Altemus Stars font

Stars contains 174 characters; a variety of solid and dimensional star designs with from three to twelve points, pentagrams, sheriff stars, stars of david, outline stars, burst stars and airforce stars. Stars Two contains...

Altemus Suns

Altemus Suns font

A collection of 174 sun designs.


Datastream font

Datastream typeface was inspired by computer readable fonts like OCR. Aimed at the youth market.


Mandate font

Altemus Squares

Altemus Squares font

A collection of 174 square designs.


Lucia font

Telegraph Modern

Telegraph Modern font

A text face designed by Walter Tracy at Linotype & Machinery for The Daily Telegraph in 1969; the design brings the crispness of the Modern design to the newspaper page.

Altemus Sports

Altemus Sports font

Each style is a collection of 174 illustrative sports symbol, printer cut designs.

London Text

London Text font