font_shop: MyFonts

Craft Roman

Craft Roman font

From scrapbooking to intensive graphic design applications, Craft Roman is a wonderful choice for charming and lighthearted communications. Craft Roman is based on Speedball and signpainter books from the 1920s and 30s, and reminiscient...

Crater Face BB

Crater Face BB font

Designed for edgy comic book sound effects. Regular, Shrapnel and Condensed.


Venture font

Venture Script reflects Hermann Zapf’s handwriting. It was originally written with a Japanese feltpen. And like with Zapf’s typeface Noris Script he wanted to preserve the rough outline of the handwritten form in the...

Zapf Renaissance Antiqua

Zapf Renaissance Antiqua font

The Zapf Renaissance Antiqua type family was designed by Hermann Zapf for the German Scangraphic Dr. Böger GmbH in Hamburg, from 1984–1986. The typefaces were engineered for use in digital CRT phototypesetting. This version...

ITC Zapf Book

ITC Zapf Book font

Perils Of Piekos BB

Perils Of Piekos BB font

Designed in 2001 as one of Nate Piekos’s personal fonts for use in basic comic book titles and logos.

Deutsche Bahn AG

Deutsche Bahn AG font


Deconumbers font

DIN 1451

DIN 1451 font

DIN stands for Deutsche Industrienorm, German Industrial Standard. In 1936, the German Standard Committee settled upon DIN 1451 as the standard font for the areas of technology, traffic, administration, and business. The committee chose...

Noris Script

Noris Script font

Drawn by master German calligrapher Hermann Zapf in the 1970s, Noris Script captures the magic of the irregularities of pen strokes. The idea behind Noris Script was to bring the spontaneity of a quick...