font_shop: MyFonts

Stam MF

Stam MF font

Starsky MF

Starsky MF font

Stempa MF

Stempa MF font

Stephan MF

Stephan MF font


Peignot font

A.M. Cassandre’s original and trend setting stressed sanserif which mixes capital and lowercase forms. Designed in 1937 with Charles Peignot for Deberny & Peignot, this face has almost become a symbol for France and...

Metro #2

Metro #2 font

In 1929 Chauncey Griffith at Mergenthaler commissioned W.A. Dwiggins to design a warmer and less mechanical Geometric Sanserif to compete with Futura. Dwiggins’ best efforts proved that human warmth had little to do with...


Shooma font

Shopping MF

Shopping MF font

Skitsa MF

Skitsa MF font

Square Numbers MF

Square Numbers MF font