font_shop: MyFonts

PIXymbols Primer D

PIXymbols Primer D font

A font package in two line weights and two styles, which emulates handwriting pratice guides for children in pre-school. Designed for the preparation of excercise sheets. The second style includes guidelines. Can be used...

PIXymbols Road Signs

PIXymbols Road Signs font

Fonts featuring international warning, traffic information, and regulatory signs, used in most countries outside the United States. The color font offers a simple way to prepare two-color versions of the signs.

PIXymbols Shadowkey

PIXymbols Shadowkey font

A four-font package featuring 266 shadow-boxed computer keyboard keys and symbols with Macintosh and PC labels, for use along with regular text in computer manuals and other instructional materials. See also CommandKey.

PIXymbols PCx

PIXymbols PCx font

This font package is designed to create PC-type screens, using all the characters in the IBM extended character set (except for three grey blocks), and is monospaced (all characters have the same width). Specially...

PIXymbols Phone

PIXymbols Phone font

The two Phone fonts includes a large collection of phone-related symbols and buttons in many shapes and styles, all designed to align auto-matically with the unframed symbols, providing over 1000 possible combinations.

Perugia Cursive

Perugia Cursive font


Silvestrini font


Sirius font

Solo Data

Solo Data font


Moderatio font