font_shop: MyFonts


Plagwitz font

Plagwitz is the name of the part of Leipzig where the Werkstätten and Museum für Buchkunst are to be found, which, in September 2000, hosted the ATypI Congress. During the lecture on Black Letter...

Ingrid Font

Ingrid Font font

This font was created from the handwriting of my friend Ingrid. I always felt she had great handwriting and this font is proof of this. There are for styles to choose from, a great...

Rich Dingbats & Bursts

Rich Dingbats &  Bursts font

Rich Dingbats & Bursts was created with graphic designers in mind. I worked for a weekly newspaper, and finding different bursts was a challenge. You either had to draw your own (and who has...


Hercules font

Where Modern is too fragile and Century too boring, Hercules comes with its elegant forms and, at the same time, with sufficient firmness to be usable for longer texts. In its heavy, bold designs...

Lido STF

Lido STF font

Times with a Human Face: In my article of the same name which appeared in the magazine Font, volume 2000 I described the long and trying story of an order for a typeface for...


Phaeton font


Phoenician font


Plowright font

Plowright is a new font based on hand lettering from the 1880s. It’s a great example of the style we often associate with signmaking in the old west, with a lot of quirks and...


Pomponianus font

Pomponianus comes from a 4th century inscription found in North Africa. It is an attractive example of early uncial lettering. Uncial inscriptions are quite uncommon, because although the style was well suited for writing...


Horsefeathers font

Play a while with Horsefeathers, and you’ll find yourself feeling kind of a combination of giddy and up. a lively, animated font that draws attention in short bursts yet has remarkable balance in longer...