font_shop: MyFonts

Antique Borders & Corners 2

Antique Borders & Corners 2 font

Hand selected from multiple sources, the 60+ glyphs of Antique Borders & Corners 2 can be mixed and matched to make authentic 18th and 19th century borders of any length. Flip the orientation for...

MVB Dovetail

MVB Dovetail font

MVB Dovetail is an editorially focused text serif designed by David Sudweeks. The working idea for the typeface came from a design school letter-making exercise: Take a pair of scissors and a few large...

Monkton Incised

Monkton Incised font

The inspiration for this typeface family came from my childhood experiences at West Monkton, amidst an historic part of the South West of England. Studies of the original incised capitals of the Trajan column...


Breach font

Beach is a geometric stencil font in two variants. Powerful, futuristic and unique.


Wilko font

Wilko is the carnival barker of typefaces. Bold, impactful yet friendly, with two decorative variants. No frills, no corners, no messing. When you want to say it loud and clear.


Farthing font

“Classy eccentricity” — Farthing evokes elegant traditional serif styles, playful but poised. Farthing is a serif face in five weights, with alternate characters and both lining and old style numerals.Suitable for both headline and...

Sheffield Fiesta

Sheffield Fiesta font

Based on the brutalist concrete landmark nightclub in Sheffield, reportedly the largest in Europe.It is now the Odeon Cinema, between Arundel Gate and Pond Street.

Grange Text

Grange Text font

Grange Text is optimised for smaller text sizes, having more open character shapes and spacing. Use the non-text version of Grange for larger sizes and headlines, which has tighter spacing and detailing.Grange is the...


Fomalhaut font

A modern, geometric sans serif display font with a hint of the future and the alien. The familiar letter-shapes are reimagined, with key stokes being placed in unusual positions without impacting the readability. The...


Disclosure font

Disclosure is suggestive of low-grade digital output, screen displays, fax machines, or high-speed data transfer. It is missing vertical sections, perhaps due to a faulty print head or signal degradation. It is intentionally monospaced...