font_shop: MyFonts

Savoy Roman NF

Savoy Roman NF font

A long-forgotten typeface named “Graybar Book” provided the inspiration for this refreshingly different text face. The overshoots of several of the rounded elements lend an air of casual insouciance to the font.

Raster Gothic

Raster Gothic font

Originally designed as a bitmap font in 1986, and loosely based on Alternate Gothic, Raster Gothic Condensed is a series of outline fonts that retain the aliased look of a bitmap font. The original...

Hot LBaltimore NF

Hot LBaltimore NF font

Patterned after cheap neon signage, this face has class, all of it low. Uppercase only, the lowercase positions are filled with an assortment of cheesy neon graphics, intended to be used at twice the...

My Dear Watson NF

My Dear Watson NF font

This simple, charming script is based on the handlettering of Carl Holmes, from Walter T. Foster art book entitled ABC of Lettering. Elementary! Both versions of this font include the complete Latin 1252 and...

Nov Schmoz Kapop NF

Nov Schmoz Kapop NF font

The logotype lettering of a 1927 issue of Motion Picture magazine provided the inspiration for this playful romp through the alphabet. Named after an expression of the same time whose origin and meaning are...


Goldenbook font

Goldenbook is based on the logotype of a literary magazine from the late 1920s called The Golden Book Magazine. It is meant to be used large and includes fonts with both old style and...


Kandal font

Kandal is a wedge-serif face with old style or antique qualities. It has low contrast in weight between thicks and thins, even as it gets bolder. Its proportions are slightly condensed, and the color...

Metallophile Sp8

Metallophile Sp8 font

Metallophile Sp8 is a faithful facsimile of an 8 point sans serif typeface as set on a 1940s vintage hot metal typesetting machine and printed on coated paper stock. Although the letterforms are closely...

Raster Bank

Raster Bank font

Raster Bank is a pixelized version of Bank Gothic that retains the jagged look of a bitmap font. Perfect for on-screen use, including Flash animations, web graphics, or any time anti-aliasing is not desired.

Felt Tip Woman

Felt Tip Woman font

Felt Tip Woman is based on the handwriting of designer Patricia Thompson. The name was inspired by a mis-hearing of the name “Felt Tip Roman” by a colleague.