font_shop: MyFonts

Love Duets

Love Duets font

LoveDuets is a family of two novelty fonts that have letters on hearts. There are at least five other font families on myfonts that have have letters on hearts but LoveDuets differs from them...


Billowed font

Billowed is a typeface family inspired by a simple shape that tessellates in three different ways: in a single orientation, in two orientations, and in four orientations. The shape resembles a billowing sail, with...


Weaving font

Weaving is a family in which the letters fit together so that wavy lines separate them both horizontally and vertically. It creates this effect by alternating letters on upper-case keys with those on lower-case...


IMPuzzled font

IMPuzzled uses the OpenType feature of Contextual Alternatives to alternate two sets of characters. The sets are on two puzzle pieces that tessellate, that is, fit together to fill the plane with no gaps...

Fangs ALot

Fangs ALot font

FangsALot is a bizarre typeface family that was designed to alternate two character sets. These sets are alternated automatically in applications that support the OpenType feature Contextual Alternatives (calt). The template used to design…


Sansduski font

Sansduski is a sans-serif decorative/display family. Its very high x-height and tight spacing make it more suitable for use at large point sizes than small point sizes. (There are better options if one wants...

Tape Up

Tape Up font

The letters in TapedUp are constructed from straight pieces of what could be masking tape. The letters have a unsophisticated or unpolished quality to them. The typeface is caps-only but many of the shapes...

Sansduski Mono

Sansduski Mono font

SansduskiMono is a sans-serif decorative/display family that is monospaced. Its very high x-height and tight spacing make it more suitable for use at large point sizes than small point sizes. (There are better options...


Flyoika font

Flyoika is a slab serif family with a fairly low x-height, long ascenders, and considerable contrast. The family has five weights, each with an italics and it can be used for either display or...


Ratafly font

Ratafly is versatile serifed font that can be used for display or text. The family has ten styles, with five weights and italics for each weight. The name Ratafly is a reference to the...