font_shop: MyFonts

Egyptian Oldstyle

Egyptian  Oldstyle font

Here’s a wide, very light version of the widely known font P. T. Barnum (or French Clarendon, if you prefer). We have used this to good effect as secondary lines on old fashioned stationery....


Crossroads font

This was a patented design, so we know who designed it and when. August Will was a type cutter who sold his work to a number of foundries. We worked over this design to...

Dainty Lady

Dainty Lady font

You will see this in the old type catalogs as Dainty. Late in the nineteenth century, type founders developed a number of fonts with a “pen-drawn” look. They wanted to complete with the work...


Dangerfield font

The Barnhart Bros. & Spindler foundry put out a caps-only face called Dante. We liked it, but felt it needed a lowercase. The result here is a rather nice square design, which has become...

Jefferson Pilot NF

Jefferson Pilot NF font

One in the series of fonts called Whiz-Bang Wood Type, intended to be set large and tight. Jefferson Pilot’s unusual letter treatment isn’t for every project, but for projects that need a great “old-timey”...

Magic Lantern

Magic Lantern font

One in the series of fonts celebrating the Halcyon Days of Handlettering. Magic Lantern is a caps and small caps font based on an untitled design by Samuel Welo, whose Studio Handbook for Artists...

Mrs Bathhurst

Mrs Bathhurst font

One in the series of fonts celebrating the halcyon days of handlettering. Mrs. Bathhurst is based on an alphabet from 1916, prepared by Fred G. Cooper. Warm, endearing, and a little quirky, Mrs. B...

Ouachita Way NF

Ouachita Way NF font

One in the series of fonts called Whiz-Bang Wood Type, intended to be set large and tight. Ouachita Way is an ultrabold and boxy caps and small caps font, especially well-suited for commadning headlines....

Ozymandias NF

Ozymandias NF font

One in the series of fonts called Whiz-Bang Wood Type, intended to be set large and tight. Suitable for any occasion, Ozymandias is a caps and small caps font, available in solid and outline...


Cognac font

Many years ago, we bought a bunch of proofs that had apparently come from the defunct Van Loey-Nouri foundry in Belgium. Cognac was an incomplete alphabet among them, which we completed. Just a guess,...