font_shop: MyFonts

Lucida Typwriter

Lucida Typwriter font

Brazzaville NF

Brazzaville NF font

Barnhard Brothers and Spindler called this typeface Congo when it appeared in their circa-1910 type catalog. The design is characterized by strong Art Nouveau influences, tight spacing and a large x-height.

Marcus Texus

Marcus Texus font

I’ve 2 grand children, the oldest is 5. His name is Mark Anthony. And so we have Marcus…….


Bodoni-M font

Jingle Wide

Jingle Wide font

I once tried to imagine what the children of Schoolbook and Bodoni would look like if they were married. I’m still trying to imagine that! In the meantime I drew the Jingles.

EF Halleluja

EF Halleluja font

Hopeless Heart

Hopeless Heart font

Hopeless Heart isn’t really all that hopeless! With its jumpy baseline and the different sized serifs, it’s a font full of fun and games, suitable for your next wedding invitation or love letter.

Big Stuff

Big Stuff font

Keep Big Stuff away from toner and ink as it can’t resist eating them up.

Jingle Condensed

Jingle Condensed font

I once tried to imagine what the children of Schoolbook and Bodoni would look like if they were married. I’m still trying to imagine that! In the meantime I drew the Jingles.


Rosalia font

Rosalia is an impulsive typeface designed by Heinz Schumann in 1964 as Stentor for Typoart Dresden. The marked stroke contrast and the spontaneous look typical of handwriting gives the typeface a lively, energetic character....