font_shop: MyFonts

Grim N Gritty

Grim N Gritty font

Thought Balloons. No use for them any more.You can’t be taken seriously when your thoughts are floating above your head in cute, puffy clouds. Doesn’t look good.When the streets are extended gutters and the...

Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief font

Fact or Fiction? Are you troubled by strange noises in your font folder? Do you experience feelings of dread in Illustrator, Photoshop or Procreate? Have you or any of your family ever been haunted...

Savage Sword

Savage Sword font

Mother of Mitra, Crom’s Devils and other Savage WORDS! The only thing better than one dead Pict is TWO! Or THREE! Or FOUR! And what better than this SAVAGE font to sound the sword...

Hero Sandwich Pro

Hero Sandwich Pro font

As comic book readers know all too well, team ups are every super hero’s bread and butter… when the brave and the bold are in a pickle, and super villains are running onion rings...


Fontropolis font

When you’re ready to leave your cozy picket fence life in Typeville, make the move to the hustle and bustle of Fontropolis!FONTROPOLIS is populated by friendly-faced characters you can always count on to help...

Deadline Remastered

Deadline Remastered font

The hands on the clock tick inexorably on… the numbers on the digital display roll inevitably toward zero… time is tight, the fuse is getting shorter and the beads of sweat on your forehead...

Blood Beast

Blood Beast font

Darkness Falls… beware the Moon and stick to the road. Keep clear of the moors, for there you will only find a bloody, UNNATURAL death. Tonight, as every night there is a Full Moon,...


Augustea font

Augustea is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.


Akzidenz-Grotesk font

Berthold first published Akzidenz-Grotesk in 1896. The design originates from Royal Grotesk light by Ferdinand Theinhardt who also supplied the regular, medium and bold weights. Throughout the years, Berthold has expanded this extremely popular...

El Greco

El Greco font

Günter Gerhard Lange designed El Greco for Berthold in 1964. This script dresses up informal documents and adds lightness to formal documents.