font_shop: MyFonts


Meichic font

A plain text face without any outstanding features.


Phollick font

A basic handdrawn and scanned text that could be used for scrapbooks and the like. This font is a cross between Italican Oblique and Czaristane.

Hardy Har Har NF

Hardy Har Har NF font

In their circa 1900 specimen catalog, Barnhard Brothers and Spindler called this typeface “Samoa”, suggesting exotic locales. On the other hand, it also suggests some serious fun, and is named in honor of British...

Pearson Stencil NF

Pearson Stencil NF font

This decidedly Deco offering is based on a rather unconventional stencil lettering treatment offered by F. A. Pearson in his 1923 tome, Ticket and Showcard Designing. Strong and stylish, the design has aged remarkably...

Monotype Clearface

Monotype Clearface font

Clemente Rotunda

Clemente Rotunda font


Colmcille font


Silentina font

Stars like Buster Keaton, Mary Pickford, Clara Bow, and Rudolph Valentino dazzled the screen with their expressive faces during the silent film era. Intertitles were used to communicate key messages to the audience when...