font_shop: MyFonts


Gerstner font

Gerstner Next was designed by Dieter Hofrichter in 2007 based on Karl Gerstner’s 1987 design.


Epikur font

Epikur was designed by Gustav Jaeger in 1986.


Franklin-Antiqua font

Franklin-Antiqua was designed by Günter Gerhard Lange for Berthold in 1976.


Caprice font

Caprice is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.


Chasseur font

Chasseur is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.

Berthold Bodoni

Berthold Bodoni font

In the late 1700s Italian master printer Giambattista Bodoni created the typeface that bears his name and has endured for over two centuries. Berthold Bodoni Antiqua was first introduced in 1930. H. Berthold then...


Ariston font

Ariston is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.

Berthold Block W1G

Berthold Block W1G font

Designed by H. Hoffman, H. Berthold initially released Block in 1908. H. Berthold also released subsequent versions reworked by Hoffman through 1926. With its distinctive bold characters and very short descenders, Block was a...


Agora font

Agora is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.


Arbiter font

Arbiter is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.