font_shop: MyFonts


Conrad font

The award-winning Conrad was created by Japanese type designer Akira Kobayashi. Its design was based on the fifteenth-century type by Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, two German printers active in Rome at that time....

Florens LP

Florens LP font

Florens is a flourished, semi-formal script that designer Garrett Boge modeled after his own italic calligraphy, which is a contemporary version of the chancery script of the Italian Renaissance. In addition to the standard...

Ghiberti LP

Ghiberti LP font

Ghiberti is a contemporary interpretation of the bold Florentine lettering style used with marble inlaid and bronze cast inscriptions of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The font, consisting of caps and small caps, was...

Donatello LP

Donatello LP font

Donatello is a classically proportioned design with subtly tapered strokes, inspired by the lettering on the fifteenth century cantoria by Luca della Robbia in the Museum of the Duomo, in Florence. The design, consisting...

Destijl LP

Destijl LP font

DeStijl is a “Constructivist” inspired type design, reminiscent of European industrial art movements of the early 20th century. Its highly rationalized forms serve both the retro look and modern design to good effect. The...

Didot LP

Didot LP font

Didot LP is a very elegant rendition of the 18th-century French typeface — Didot. This design took the earlier Italian neo-classical model (Bodoni) to a new level of refinement, with fully rationalized shapes and...

Linotype Belle

Linotype Belle font

Linotype Besque

Linotype Besque font

Linotype Bix

Linotype Bix font

Linotype Atlantis

Linotype Atlantis font

Lutz Baar was born in Berlin, now living in Gothenburg, Sweden. He is an art director at his own advertising and Web design studio Miraculus. Among his typeface designs you find the award winning...