font_shop: MyFonts

Canterbury Old Style

Canterbury Old Style font

This family has been replaced by the newer Canterbury Old Style Pro. The family was redrawn and refined in 2017, and features extended character sets that support Western, Central, and Eastern European languages. In...

Lightline Gothic SB

Lightline Gothic SB font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

Bodoni Campanile

Bodoni Campanile font

This family has been replaced by the newer Bodoni Campanile Pro. Bodoni Campanile Pro features updated designs and expanded language support for Latin 1 and 2 languages. Bodoni Campanile was originally designed in 1936...

Bodoni Black Condensed

Bodoni Black Condensed font

Designed by R.H. Middleton for Ludlow, circa 1930. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman.


Byron font

Based on a turn of the century design.

Block Gothic

Block Gothic font

In 1992, Red Rooster Typefounders created Block Gothic Extra Condensed based on the TP Collection Block Gothic. In 1994, the company created and produced Block Gothic Condensed loosely based on the Extra Condensed; the...


Basset font

Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Originally in five weights, Steve produced three additional weights.


Basuto font

Basuto is a sans serif typeface that is characterized by its unusual shapes in the counters. It was originally created in 1927 by Stephenson Blake. After International TypeFounders, Inc. acquired exclusive rights to the...


Beckenham font

Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. The x-heights are radically different; the x-height on the light version is small, and gets larger as the weights progress.


Bellini font

An original design based on Progreso from the Gans foundry circa 1923.