font_shop: MyFonts

Cooper Black SH

Cooper Black SH font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

Copperplate SB

Copperplate SB font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

Congress SB

Congress SB font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

P22 Frenzy

P22 Frenzy font

Frenzy evolved from a logo for a Gen X product offered by a very staid company. It is a sythesis of Classic Roman Capitals and American Typewriter—with a bit of frenetic energy stirred in....

P22 Tyndale

P22 Tyndale font

Quill-formed roman/gothic with an olde-worlde flavor. Some background in the designer’s own words: “A series of fonts came to mind which would be rooted in the medieval era -for me, a period of intense...

FZ Xiu Li-Z13

FZ Xiu Li-Z13 font


Affront font

Affront is Carsten Raffel’s first font for fontkingz. It is a very extended computer-generated font-family with three members: regular, light and a stylish doublette-version. Affront fonts include a full character set. The capital letters...

Otis Condensed

Otis Condensed font

The name Otis arose from an incident in a shopping mall in which, realising my shoelace was undone while on an escalator, I bent down to tie it, became aware of the approaching end,...


Fiddlestix font

Fiddlestix contains 3 styles: Outline, FunnyCaps and Solid. Cute and friendly, Fiddlestix looks like it was handdrawn using a felt marker. Use FunnyCaps with its little embellishments like leaves, squiggles and dots to add...

FZ Xiao Biao Song B05

FZ Xiao Biao Song B05 font

Founder offers fonts in up to 4 encodings: The GB 2312-80 encoding contains simplified Chinese characters and is designed for normal use in mainland China. The GB/T 12345-90 encoding is the traditional Chinese counterpart...