font_shop: MyFonts


Woodgrit font

The Woodgrit family could originally be found on broadsides (posters, playbills) throughout the midwest on any public announcements. All original letterforms available were incorporated into the set with little modification. Typographic convention…

Macrame BV

Macrame BV font

Macrame BV has three line styles: One, Two and Three for added versatility! Inspired by the font styles popular in the late 70s and early 80s. Think: macrame wall hangings, bean bag chairs, sprout...

Make Tracks

Make Tracks font

The character set contains 47 left foot animal track designs. The shift+character set contains the 47 right foot animal track designs corresponding to the character set.


Artz font

Artz is a highly stylized sans serif with a Deco look in Narrow, Plain and Wide. It has oldstyle numbers and many special characters.


Quigley font

At first glance, Quigley might look like any ordinary font. Take a closer look. Quigley is reminiscent of an art deco font with a “twist”, having unusual and amusing character shapes. Ideal for signage...

Jackolantern Assortment

Jackolantern Assortment font

Contains 47 jackolantern designs.


Akme font

Akme is a sans serif with an industrial feel. However, it has many whimsical features like the spiral O, many special dingbats for bullets, and so on. It has oldstyle numbers and the small...


BOT font

The BOT font package includes two character sets, BOT-Regular and -Stencil. The futuristic looking characters are designed to work in both large scale and small sizes; it works very well as a comfortable, readable...


Axiom font

Influenced heavily by the work of Erik Spiekerman, Axiom came out of a desire to capture Spiekerman’s simplicity and elegant style. Axiom seems to work well when extended.

Not Sassure

Not Sassure font

Excessive photocopying, with extreme enlargements and reductions to magnify the imperfections, helped to rough the edges and give Not Sassure a non-digital quality.