font_shop: MyFonts


BringInTheFrowns font

Why use a simple emoticon to express unhappiness or sadness when you can have an entire font proclaiming your feelings? This is a font that may work for notes of sympathy, whether real or...


Illuminati font

Originally designed as an experiment in monospacing (Illuminati Mono), Illuminati is a mixture of sans-serif and serif. The Italics have some cursive features.


Informatic font

A clean and simple sans-serif, Informatic was designed as a friendlier alternative to DIN.

Mizar Grotesk

Mizar Grotesk font

Mizar Grotesk is a sans-serif with a few quirks and a slight retro feel.

San Jaime

San Jaime font

A relaxed, open typeface, San Jaime is available in both serif and sans-serif versions.


Stranski font

An eccentric serif typeface.

Deep Fried

Deep Fried font

Designed to be layered, DeepFried is a multi-weight geometric sans-serif with a 70’s pop feel.


Drug font

Drug is based on the distressed type found on a till receipt.


Friday font

A variation on the ‘futuristic’ type genre – available in pre- and post-apocalyptic versions!


Doyen-D font

A distorted, broken & cracked typeface. Doyen-D.ScreenRegular uses the same letter forms as the rest of the Doyen-D family, however the letters have gone through a halftone screen print process, resulting in even further...