font_shop: MyFonts

Holiday Doodles Too

Holiday Doodles Too font

If you liked Holiday Doodles you will love Holiday Doodles Too as it is more of the same. 42 icons to decorate your year. Birthdays, babies, Summer, weddings, presents, St. Pat’s Day, 4th of...


Futuramano font

Futuramano was the kind of typeface we scribbled in those old days, when I was an art-director in advertising agencies. We used it to simulate the headlines and the subheads, so the client could...

Home Sweet Home Dingbats

Home Sweet Home Dingbats font

“I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought I’d rather dance with the cows until you come home.” Groucho Marx. Home Sweet Home Dingbats is a 30 dingbat font...

Fleuron Labels

Fleuron Labels font

Fleurons are embellishments and here is my seventh set. This time I give you all kind of different labels. Your labeled designer Gert Wiescher


Sabine font

Sabine is an Arabetic type design with a calligraphic flavor. It follows the guidelines of the Mutamathil Taqlidi type style with one glyph for every basic Arabic Unicode character or letter, as defined in...

LOLO Animals

LOLO Animals font

Ready for the wild & wooly world of LOLO Animals? These animals are happy to explore new habitats with you. There are more than 50 different animals residing in here, its a full out...

Devil Kalligraphy

Devil Kalligraphy font

Devil Kalligraphy was performed by Argentina Lián Types in 2007. The shapes of each caracter have a strong personality. It was based on antique writings. Devil Kalligraphy was inspirated in calligraphy styles. Gothic and...

FG Sharon

FG Sharon font

FG Sharon is a two set font group that can be mixed to create a randomized feeling to your writings. The fonts would be perfect for a kids book, or headers and logos. I...