font_shop: MyFonts

Black Bamboo

Black Bamboo font

Black Bamboo is a beautiful plant. My father in law, who recently passed away, loved it and had a prized specimen growing in his garden. This font was named in his honour. Black Bamboo...


Butternut font

Butternut’s origins can be traced back to handwriting in felt-tipped marker. Because of this, you’ll find a slight degree of roughness to the edges, yet a fluid softness to the letterforms themselves. As well...

Sweet Hand

Sweet Hand font

Sweet Hand was inspired by casual, neat hand lettering. It is casual and informal and is ideal for use in conveying these qualities. It is excellent for casual text and at large sizes an...

Ropa Soft Pro

Ropa Soft Pro font

Ropa Soft Pro is Ropa Sans Pro’s charming sister. While Ropa Sans is cool and somewhat technical, almost like brushed steel, the new Ropa Soft Pro family brings a warm and friendly feel, closer...

PR Swirlies 08

PR Swirlies 08 font

This font is a collection of simple calligraphic ornaments suitable for invitations, gift tags, and anything that can benifit from a “spoonful of sugar” visually. This font includes fewer line fillers, and more “ferns...

Whisky Italics

Whisky Italics font

Whisky is a blackletter font family with a casual touch that makes it look friendly and current. The stroke varies its thickness and angle endings making it form very dynamic bodies of text. Whisky...


Naste font

Tipo Pèpel strikes again with a lush splurge on pure basic geometrical shapes and sizes, those that inspired Paul Renner’s typographic milestone “Futura”. A new look to classic shapes, bringing them back plenty of...

Dead Meal

Dead Meal font

Dead Meal is a cute hand made font made for pixel art style. Yes a mix of handmade pixel font style. Say like that is weird but trust me, it’s simple useable for print...

InkArt Labels

InkArt Labels font

Inkart is a font dingbats, shapes for new labels or frames that the user can supplement according to the requirements and purposes. It consists of a set uppercase containing the forms, and a set...

Vezus Serif Texture

Vezus Serif Texture font

Vezus Serif Texture is as the name says itself, textured version of Vezus Serif font family and as that, it’s compatible with Vezus Serif Black. It is adviced to be used as desktop font...