font_shop: MyFonts


Twine font

By twisting and weaving separate strands of rope together, a stronger TWINE is created. The distinctive “valleys” that give the twine its twisted and wavy appearance is the result of the twining process. Similarly,...


Couture font

Couture has taken years to come to fruition. We cannot say it is a dutiful revival of Imre Reiner’s Corvinus—a typeface that has always had a soft spot in many of our hearts for...


Medoc font

“Medoc” is a clean and fresh font, designed with the intention of producing a good readable modern typeface. Medoc has historical roots, though it’s redesigned with precision and a high contrast. Medoc will catch...

Atlantic Cruise

Atlantic Cruise font

The “Atlantic Cruise” is the Titanic of Kustomtype’s fonts. The only difference between this and the real ship is that this one won’t sink – it’ll float forever. Originally inspired by travel & cruise...


Aelita font

Aelita is a low contrast serif typeface in 6 styles. It’s distinguished by lowercase character alternates that noticeably change the text pattern. The main character set is quite strict and is characterized by sharp...

D Hanna Soft

D Hanna Soft font

D Hanna Soft is a sans serif type family of 9 weights plus matching italics. It is inspired by the geometric style sans serif faces with a mix of rounded shapes and a little...

YWFT Whisky

YWFT Whisky font

The Precursors. The Founders. The Engineers. Known by many names in popular culture, this colony of erudite masters from Long Before were as style-conscious as they were technically adept, and their written glyphs certainly...

Felis Script

Felis Script font

Goatskin Brush

Goatskin Brush font

An untamed typeface built with contrasting brushstrokes.