font_shop: MyFonts


Abelia font

Abelia is a rough(ish), cursive, handwritten font. It was made with an almost dried up felt tip pen, so as to create some roughness in the edges. It comes with a generous amount of...


Crisper font

Song Folio JNL

Song Folio JNL font

A 1940s Australian song folio featuring tunes performed by singer-actress Deanna Durbin had her name hand lettered in an interesting Art Deco style sans. This became the basis for Song Folio JNL, capturing all...

Western Wood Type JNL

Western Wood Type JNL font

Inspired by a sample of a vintage wood type supplied by a fan of Jeff Levine fonts, Western Wood Type JNL is a traditional Clarendon-style condensed typeface from the era of letterpress and the...

Grota Sans Rounded

Grota Sans Rounded font

Grota is back in its new Sans and Rounded versions. The complete family consists of 40 fonts, 10 different weights, cursives and an alt version. Grota Sans Rounded, designed by Eli Hernández and Daniel...

Colt Soft

Colt Soft font

Expanding on the idea of Colt, Colt Soft takes the family closer towards the realm of its original inspiration—type on vehicles from the 60s. During the decade, hefty letters were often embossed into the...

Solitude JNL

Solitude JNL font

A piece of vintage sheet music with the hand lettered title “Solitude” is the namesake and inspiration for Solitude JNL. Purely Art Deco in its typographic curves and angles of the period, this typeface...


Akhand font

Akhand is a family of eight fonts for display applications. Featuring condensed straight-sided letterforms, Akhand is a virtually mono-linear sans serif. The design of the face is based on a modular structure, but not...

Lichtspielhaus Slab

Lichtspielhaus Slab font

Lichtspielhaus Slab is an ultra condensed handwritten typeface based on Lichtspielhaus. It still transports you back to a time where neon lights and marquee letters decorated cinema facades. This time with Slab. There are...

Plates Napery

Plates Napery font

Thin and elegant typeface design, with several alternate glyphs.