font_shop: MyFonts

Kapelka New

Kapelka New font

Kapelka New is a soft and friendly display face based on the principles of writing with a soft pointed brush. Kapelka is suitable for packaging design, children’s books headlines and any other domestic and...


Model font

When designing a typeface, one has to be conscious of superfluous details. Although I am always tempted to add little personal touches, experience taught me that the phrase -less is more- is totally true....


Maladroit font

Okay, we admit it! Comicraft’s latest offering — wrenched heavy-handedly from the pages of CHARLEY LOVES ROBOTS – is definitely a little awkward, maybe even loose-limbed and goofy. Those (usually) awfully nice chaps in...

The Sculptor

The Sculptor font

In much the same way that the leading character in Scott McCloud’s first full-length graphic novel has given his life to art, Comicraft’s John ‘JG’ Roshell has given HIS life to sculpt a unique...

Merry Melody

Merry Melody font

Sufferin’ Succotash, was that five minutes already?! Seemed to us like that lunatic cartoon went by faster than a roadrunner being pursued by a wily coyote or a hare brained bunny dodging short sighted...

Extra Extra

Extra Extra font

EXCLUSIVE! Read all about it! The latest scoop from Comicraft is sure to be in all the newspapers today! The Times are a changin’ — comic book letterers everywhere can say a font farewell...


Bietka font

Bietka is a high quality squarish display font – geometric, modernist and playful at the same time. It supports multiple languages, as well as open type features, alternate styles, lining, old style, proportional and...


Snowberry font

Meet Snowberry… A modern, hand-painted brushed font family for projects needing that effortless, yet convincingly hand-painted feel. Snowberry has two sets of uppercase letterforms and two varied personalities. Use the Snowberry Destroyed font to…

Chamferwood JNL

Chamferwood JNL font

Chamferwood JNL is another interpretation of the block lettering style most popular during the late 1800s and the early 1900s. The design was modeled from examples from a set of wood type.

Casual Tune JNL

Casual Tune JNL font

Brush-style lettering has been a perennial favorite for designers and sign painters because it brings to mind casual, relaxed or friendly themes. A vintage piece of sheet music called “Pretty Butterfly” by Sunny Skylar...