font_shop: MyFonts


Brace font

Remember all those bits we trimmed away in 2012? We’re bringing them back. We started with laying slabs serifs onto Trim, thinking we would call it Trim Slab. The foundation always seemed like the...

Proza Display

Proza Display font

Proza Display is the eye-catching counterpart of Proza, consisting of 12 styles (6 weights + italics). Together, Proza and Proza Display form a large family of 24 styles, which are all equipped with plenty...


Winooski font

A little goofy, a little nerdy, Winooski mixes loose pen-drawn gestures with legible forms to deliver a playful workhorse. It’s packed with goodies like small caps, ligatures, case-sensitive alternates, and broad linguistic support. It...


LiebeLotte font

Forget that hipster coolness for a minute and design something cute and charming with LiebeLotte! Go ahead and make beautiful things with her: birthday cards, wedding invitations, love letters, new signage for your deli—so...

Samaritan Lower

Samaritan Lower font

It’s another beautiful day in scenic Astro City, home of post modern gods and ordinary mortals alike. Look into the sky and perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of everyone’s favorite man of the hour,...


Jeles font

Inheriting the beauty and style of old type classics from this genre, Jeles is blended with very elegant modern approach featuring soft corners, round slab serifs and tasty ball terminals. Jeles is designed mostly...


Bufon font

Bufon is a font that holds many ligatures (815); a characteristic that intervenes in the rhythm of words. For this aim, a study of the combination of signs in the text was made. The...

Craw Clarendon Expanded

Craw Clarendon Expanded font

One of a variety of Craw Clarendon Types.

Sunrise Till Sunset

Sunrise Till Sunset font

Between twilight and daybreak it is said that the dark side of the human psyche eclipses the sun that shines from the depths of our souls. Certainty turns to doubt, clarity becomes confusion, man...

Mike Kunkel

Mike Kunkel font

Yes it’s true, from time to time those awfully nice chaps at Comicraft have been known to create fonts for artists simply because We Love Their Work. Affable HEROBEAR AND THE KID kreator, Mike...