

Spekulatus font

Spekulatus is a made up name, and that was what I needed for a font like this.I am not sure which category it fits in: grunge, square, handmade, rough or maybe even graffiti?Well, let’s...

Sticky Time

Sticky Time font

Here’s my super legible and handmade font. I’ve made several versions, and they overlap and compliments each other very sweetly.To enhance that nice handmade look, the outline and striped versions are a bit more...

Morning Cookie

Morning Cookie font

Yet again, a font inspired by my work as a kindergarten teacher!The other day, I had a conversation with some of the kids, about what they ate for breakfast. Some had oatmeal, some bread...


Juicebash font

It’s tall, legible and handmade – and on top of that, charming as heck!Each letter has rounded corners, which leaves a pleasant and smooth look.Juicebash is legible, even at very small sizes and it...

BB Casual Pro

BB Casual Pro font

BB Casual™ (Std/Pro) is a font family that appears between a contemporary neo and geogrotesque design.The characteristic is formed by the intermediate step of the font classifications on the most relevant shapes: geometry (shape...


Strippy font

Inspired from the bold and loud visual statements from the 90s poster and graphic design trend, makes Strippy can’t hold itself to be born in this universe.A clean, square, and bold form of body,...


Raitor font

Embrace the future together with RAITOR. A slick and sophisticated bold sans-serif, with the touch of futuristic vibes to get prepared for the upcoming metaverse era.Conquer your presence in the future of the visual...


Grasond font

A new reopening of an Art-Deco gate. Different vibes of the Gatsbyesque era, sculpted with the touch of lavish modernism for an everywhere and every timeline of the multiverse purpose.Inspired by the purpose above,...


Kroist font

Kroist was born from the rebellious mindset to break the rules of perfection of typographic hierarchy. Pushing to the very edge of possibilities to craft something different yet remarkable in the industry.Combining the reference...


Sansmatica font

Sansmatica is a clean and modern sans serif typeface. It has 28 fonts that work as a multi-purpose design solution.It consists of regular and condensed fonts that can be used for different cases: regular...