
Rub Gum

Rub Gum font

Rub Gum is thick, chunky and heavy as heck! In the progress of making Rub Gum, I got inspiration from the grafitti- and comic universe! Use Rub Gum for something that needs a heavy...


Rugsnatcher font

Step into the future with this retro computer video game font! Get that 80’ies feeling with shoot ’em up games and mazes full of deadly robots – just waiting to zap you with their...

Silent Treatment

Silent Treatment font

Crayon meets serif! A steady and legible handmade font with ligatures for double letter substitution. Of course the font is stuffed with international letters!


Sillyheads font

Need something VERY silly for your headlines and still keep the legibility?! Then Sillyheads could be your no. 1 choice! Sillyheads has got that funny, weird, cute, crazy look!


Pompelmus font

Crispy: ALL CAPS crispy letters Nutricious: “clean” version of Crispy Fiber: The messy inside of Crispy Healthy: Rough serif font Sweet: Handwritten and crunchy


Porceleina font

Porceleina is elegant, what more can I say? This handmade and handdrawn font comes with a heavy loadful of diacritics – and the Opentype contextual alternates makes sure that the font cycles between the...


Provokateur font

Provokateur is probably provocative…not in a bad way, but in a way you can’t comprehend! Most letters are square, but here and there is a curve. The font is handdrawn and that is pretty...


Reaktion font

Reaktion is a loose handmade Art Deco font. Comes in two different versions: regular (with inline stripes) and black (solid version) The wide design of the font easily fills out a funky headline. Comes...

Regular Fashion

Regular Fashion font

I have wanted to do a font like this for a long time. The other day when I stumbled upon some old drawings from my daughter, I noticed her name written with letters slightly...


Reliable font

Reliable was drawn with a somewhat dry brush, and then carefully made into a font. Reliable differs from other brush fonts, because it has got 8 different versions of each letter!!! 8 different letters...