

Nic font

»NIC« (rhymes with “scenic”) is a completely new very elegant grotesk font family that has nice contrast in the up and downstrokes. »NIC« has its own, very special character. The font looks like it...

Nota Rounded

Nota Rounded font

»NOTA-rounded« is the rounded version of »NOTA«, the new, narrow, technical font– designed by Gert Wiescher in 2014 and 2015 – has 7 weights with corresponding oblique cuts. The »NOTA« families are well suited...


Noticia font

»NOTICIA« is my new Sans based on the modernistic, constructivist letterforms of the »Bauhaus« era. The names Herbert Bayer and Paul Renner come to mind as design beacons of that time. »NOTICIA« is different...

Noticia Rounded

Noticia Rounded font

Noticia Rounded is the extension of Noticia, my modernistic, constructivist font with that »Bauhaus« feeling. Names like Bayer and Renner come to mind as beacons of that time. Noticia is different in proportions and...

Rich Dingbats & Bursts

Rich Dingbats &  Bursts font

Rich Dingbats & Bursts was created with graphic designers in mind. I worked for a weekly newspaper, and finding different bursts was a challenge. You either had to draw your own (and who has...


Azur font

»Azur« is my homage to the beautiful Côte d’Azur and the Provence Alpes Maritime Region. Scott Fitzgerald loved it in Antibes, Juan les Pins is famous for its Jazz, Cannes has that phantastic film...

Brute Sans

Brute Sans font

»Brute Sans« is a classic Sans typeface that looks like it has been designed by a chainsaw. »Brute Sans« looks really crude only in big sizes, the smaller the font gets the more it...

Classic Sans

Classic Sans font

»Classic Sans« is the Mother of all »Sans« typefaces. Around 1880 Ferdinand Theinhardt designed this Grotesk for use in scientific publications. By designing his font for the »Royal-Prussian-Academy of Sciences in Berlin« Ferdinand Theinhardt…

Classic Sans Rounded

Classic Sans Rounded font

»Classic Sans Rounded« is the brother of the mother of all »Sans« typefaces. I designed the rounded version because there seems to be a need for soft SANS typefaces and I like them very...


Docu font

»DOCU« is my font for everything »office« and »document«. It’s narrow, yet open design is perfectly suited to put a lot of text into small areas. The fonts in the DOCU family have phantastic...