
Julienne Piu

Julienne Piu font

»Julienne Più« is the new version of my Julienne, it has a much bigger (388) set of glyphs that is fit for all European languages. Plus normal and old style numbers and a full...

Sutro Initials

Sutro Initials font

A two-font chromatic (or layered) set. The Primary font, which is the old Sutro Inlined Initials. Salvaged from the wreckage of my Type1 font library, the inlined initials have been in the shop for...


Coroner font

I never needed to digitize this early design from 1988. I found it in a drawer underneath layers of dozens of other type designs. The drawings were made with ink on paper, about 15...


Dracula font

The best way to radicalize your typographic expression is to use Blackletter! Gothic calligraphy had been used throughout all historical periods without much of the principal development the Latin typefaces underwent. However, since the...


Inicia font

A retro-style can be regarded as lack of original contemporary ideas. But also as passion for nostalgic time-traveling. Everyone wants to return to their youth at least for a moment. Inicia was one of...


Jasan font

Jasan is the Czech expression for ash tree (Fraxinus Excelsior) which provides great wood for tools and furniture. In a landscape it’s a rather inconspicuous tree which forms beautiful alleys. Jasan typeface represents a...


TessieMoreBirds font

A tessellation is a shape that can be used to completely fill the plane. Simple examples are isosceles triangles, squares, and hexagons. Tessellation patterns are eye-catching and visually appealing, which is the reason that...


TessieMoreStuff font

A tessellation is a shape that can be used to completely fill the plane—simple examples are isosceles triangles, squares, and hexagons. Tessellation patterns are eye-catching and visually appealing, which is the reason that they...


TessieStandingBirds font

A tessellation is a shape that can be used to completely fill the plane—simple examples are isosceles triangles, squares, and hexagons. Tessellation patterns are eye-catching and visually appealing, which is the reason that they...


TessieXtraBirds font

A tessellation is a shape that can be used to completely fill the plane—simple examples are isosceles triangles, squares, and hexagons. Tessellation patterns are eye-catching and visually appealing, which is the reason that they...