
Nerdish Hex

Nerdish Hex font

NerdishHex is a hexagonal distortion of NewNerdish that I thought was rather interesting.


MousyFont font

AntsyPantsy, BuggyFont, and MousyFont are based on the same design; only the building blocks—ants, bugs, and a stylized mouse—have been changed.


MedicineShelf font

MedicineShelf has old-fashioned looking letters on old-fashioned looking bottles. The letters are taken from the typeface NeuAltisch. The MedicineShelf-Blank and MedicineShelf-Outline styles can be used in layers with the base MedicineShelf font to…


LetterTrain font

This set of four fonts, organized as a font family, consists of toy train cars with letters on them. Upper and lower cases have different typefaces on them, so there are eight different type...

ITC Ballerino

ITC Ballerino font


Kwodsity font

The two Kwodsity fonts are derived from Kwersity, a narrow, blocky typeface with slab serifs and a high x-height. In Kwodsity Up the bottom edges and bottom serifs have been thickened, while in Kwodsity...


KnewFontWaisted font

KnewFontWaisted is a informal font that was produced by distorting the handwritten font KnewFont. It is more concave and compacted than the original.

Knew Font Jagged

Knew Font Jagged font

KnewFontRagged is a distorted version of KnewFont.


Kneebls font

Kneebls was inspired by Art Deco lettering. It is monoline and all caps, with most of the letters on the lower-case keys different from those on the upper-case keys. It comes in three weights:...