

Eldorado font

Of W. A. Dwiggins’ wartime experiments, the most successful was Eldorado, released by Mergenthaler in 1953. With unusual fidelity, he followed an early roman lowercase, cut in the 16th century by Jacques de Sanlecque...

Soda Script

Soda Script font


Senator font

Greek version by Dimitris Arvanitis.

Sabbath Black

Sabbath Black font


Quartet font

Cyrillic version by Olga Chaeva.


OutWest font


Ecru font

Ecru is based on four unique capitals designed by Los Angeles graphic artist Margo Chase for a single use. Richard Lipton examined these four letters: E, C, R, and U. To his designer’s eye...


Eagle font

The Eagle series realizes the ideas behind Morris Fuller Benton’s famous titling, Eagle Bold, the symbol of American recovery, drawn in 1933 for the National Recovery Association. Font Bureau Eagle was started in 1989...


Dizzy font

Dizzy pays homage to that great legend of bebop, John Birks ‘Dizzy’ Gillespie. Jean Evans, long-term family and personal friend of Gillespie, was inspired to design this font after seeing a sample of his...

Daleys Gothic

Daleys Gothic font

Cyrus Highsmith began work on Daley’s Gothic in 1997, experimenting with a steel brush and ink on paper. After sketching a few characters, he headed to the nearest computer and played out the rest...