
Wickenden Cafe NDP

Wickenden Cafe NDP font

Inspired by the chalkboard menus found in the doorways of cafes along Wickenden Street in Providence, RI.


Hanseatic font

An old narrow Grotesque from Stempel’s early days revived and revised for photocomposition.

Moore 003

Moore 003 font

Moore 003 was inspired by Henryk Tomaszewski’s poster lettering for the Moore Exibition (Warsaw, Poland 1959). The headline “Moore” is composed of paper collage. The lettering, in Tomaszewski’s vision, contrasts in ways that recall...


Lithium font

Lithium is a set of symbols coming from different communicative context but designed to be used together. It’s like turning on 5 radios trying to understand the mixture of sounds. Lithium was created, above...


Fontology font

Fontology-E is an experimental font designed by Fabrizio Schiavi. It was created for the cover of the Fontology catalogue. Schiavi’s need was to build an optical false modulation effect with versions of the logotype...


Exit font

Exit is my first typeface (designed in 1988). The relationship to Neville Brody’s work is evident but with personal touch

D^44 Caps

D^44 Caps font

D^44 Caps represents a sort of inverted creative process: start from the printed element to create the font to print. The esthetic analysis of pression’s missprint is the origin of D^44 design. The redesign...

CP Company Flash

CP Company Flash font

CP Company Flash is the version of CP Company designed for use in Adobe Flash. Available in three versions: Big to be used at 16pt, Medium at 16pt and Small at 8pt. Originally designed...

Old Paris Nouveau

Old Paris Nouveau font

Old Paris Nouveau is based on letterpress stylings of modern roman alphabets from the 1920s. Adapting the nouveau sensibility to the digital age required several conventions, including several alternate glyphs for specific individual letterforms...