

Drone font

Drone is a deliberately misproportioned typeface, inspired by hand-drawn lettering found in Spanish/Hispanic Catholic churches in the Philippines and Los Angeles. These naive letterforms appeared to be ‘copies of copies’ – and in aiming...


Delux font

Dynamic and urgent in style, Delux draws influence from ’50s science fiction pulp magazines and hand-painted military letterforms. Delux evokes an era when the future was neo-plastic, solid-state, isotopic bright (and everything was better...


Bastard font

Bastard is a contemporary blackletter typeface and was one of the first created using a personal computer. It was drawn using primitive font design software in 1988, and refined and published two years later....

ITC Bailey Sans

ITC Bailey Sans font


Apocalypso font

Apocalypso is a pictogram font for the end of the world. The name Apocalypso is a portmanteau of the words apocalypse (end of the world) and calypso (joyful improvised music), with a meaning analogous...

EF Elysa

EF Elysa font

Abdominal Krunch

Abdominal Krunch font

Abdominal Krunch is a wacky handwriting font. But that’s not all; if you write in ALL CAPS a totally new font appears! Write in lowercase and you get the wacky/chunky handwriting letters – or...

Delorita BV

Delorita BV font

Delorita BV is a beautiful and fun quill pen font! Think: folk artists, flamenco dancers, gypsy fortune tellers, dried roses and homespun chic.


Tiza font

Tiza is a rough take on informal faces and handwriting, brought on by the recent demand for scripts and brush lettering. Its flow leaves traces simulating runny pen ink, which makes it very suitable...

Habano ST

Habano ST font

Habano is an eleganty flowing bold script with some very surprising traits. Taking its roots in both the art deco style and the kind of lettering used for pop culture, its minuscules are classy...