

Icone font

Frutiger Next

Frutiger Next font

Frutiger Next is Adrian Frutiger’s and Linotype’s completely new interpretation of the well known typeface, Frutiger. The goal was to create a complete system of weights, and priority was placed on retaining the aesthetic...

EF DownUnder

EF DownUnder font

EF DoublePac

EF DoublePac font

EF Domingo

EF Domingo font

Dom Casual EF

Dom Casual EF font

EF DOC.sneider

EF DOC.sneider font

P22 Relax

P22 Relax font

Relax, and its companion font, Relax Mix are two type designs that evoke a playful spirit. The casual shapes of Relax and Relax Mix make it the perfect accompaniment for the Ching Mang picture...

P22 Ching Mang

P22 Ching Mang font

Ching Mang is a cartoon character created by Hajime Kawakami for a magazine in Japan in the 1980s. This picture font features various expressions of this fun creature. It features solid and outline variations...


Dimentia font

Dimentia is a twisted, hand drawn, dimensional, layered sans serif typeface. What more do you need?