

Elante font

Egyptian 72

Egyptian 72 font

Digi Wdct Blk ITC

Digi Wdct Blk ITC font


minitime font

There are times when screen designs demand a small serif font. MiniTime was designed with this in mind. With an eight pixel cap height on a fourteen pixel body, it is fully accented. In...


miniserif font

Sometimes a design just calls for a serif typeface so, MiniSerif has been designed to give you the serifs, yet remains highly readable. It is a ten pixel font in regular and bold weights...


Minipix font

Minipix is a useful little icon font designed to fill the gap between the similarly sized, but lighter, WebIcon 1 series and the tiny Itsibits font. Minipix is based on a 12 pixel square...


minimono font

MiniMono is a monospaced version of MINI 7. All the characters are the same width so that they align horizontally and vertically on a 7 x 7 pixel grid. MiniMono Blox characters are reversed-out...


minimicra font

MiniMicra pushes the bounds of the small pixel font to the limit. With a six pixel cap height, this fully accented font provides maximum legibility at the smallest possible size. This font contains a...

Diamond Bodoni

Diamond Bodoni font


Diablo font