

Airam font

Maria Martina Schmitt was born in Vienna, Austria in 1950. Since 1998, she has been working as a freelance designer, focusing on cultural collateral, economic publications, illustration, type design, and logo design. Airam blends...


Achispado font

Achispado which means tipsy or slightly drunk in Spanish is the name of a crazy funk font that was designed by Richard Yeend in 2003. Full of comic almost architectural elements bit and pieces...

Zapfino Extra

Zapfino Extra font

Today’s digital font technology has allowed renowned font designer and calligrapher Hermann Zapf to realize a dream he first had more than fifty years ago: to create a typeface that would come very close...

P22 Basala

P22 Basala font

P22 Basala was created using straight horizontal and vertical lines, but with large rounded corners to create an unconventional softness for a bold face. The naming of the font reflects this juxtaposition: Basara= Basala=...

P22 Akebono

P22 Akebono font

Akebono means dawn in Japanese. It expresses the pleasure of imbalance. Stems and strokes are mixed–straight and round with slender terminals and arches. Akebono is available in three styles; Regular, Alternate, Italic. Akebono Alternate...

La Danse

La Danse font

Gábor Kóthay in Hungary has developed an archaic identity largely based upon lettering from a rare Type Specimen of the Jesuit Academy Press of Tyrnavia (1773). They have developed many baroque style typefaces of...


Klang font


Kino font


Joanna font

My Script

My Script font

MyScript is exactly that: my script; only this one is for everybody’s use! Originally I designed it as a Christmas present for my friends and clients; they liked it. So I thought other people...