

Sinah font

Linotype Sinah is part of the Take Type Library, selected from the contestants of Linotype’s International Type Design Contests of 1994 and 1997. Designed by the German artist Peter Huschka, Linotype Sinah is a...

Woody Goodies NF

Woody Goodies NF font

A diverse assortment of woodtype adornments, including bishop’s fingers, vignettes, border elements, flourishes and other what-nots, all thoughtfully redrawn from authentic historical sources, and ready to grace your next project with their vintage…

Snoodle Toons NF

Snoodle Toons NF font

Lettering on a menu from a Pennsylvania hotel, circa 1930, provided the inspiration for this happy-go-lucky take on the alphabet. Lowercase letters are variants of the uppercase and kerning has been applied to every...

Magic Twanger NF

Magic Twanger NF font

“Hiya, kids! Hiya, hiya, hiya!” was the customary greeting of Froggy (a rather cheap rubber toy), who played second banana to otherwise-perennial sidekick Andy Devine on the 1950s TV show, Andy’s Gang. The Magic...

Kartoon Kutz NF

Kartoon Kutz NF font

These charming little cartoon figures, known in the trade as “midgets”, added a little extra oomph to everything from business cards to matchbook covers from the 1920s to the 1950s. Each font contains 52...


Janice font

Janice is a revival and expansion of a 1960s Mecanorma film type called Putty Bold. It’s thick, flowing, happy and oozes psychedelia. Unlike many art nouveau/hippy faces of the era, this font comes with...


Bluebeard font

Named after the famous French fairy tale, Bluebeard is a surprisingly legible, slightly worn-out mix of majestic blackletter majuscules and roman minuscules. Perfect for designs of old settings, like books of fairy tales, old...


Rostra font

It was during a visit to the Roman Forum that we were inspired by a seemingly unique style of lettering on a tablet among the ruins. The Latin message was chiseled in a condensed,...

Charter BT Pro

Charter BT Pro font

Originally released in 1987, Charter incorporates three important features: compact set width to give economical copyfit; generous x-height to give readability at small point sizes; and sturdy open letterforms to give reliable reproduction at...

Baroque Borders B

Baroque Borders B font

PT Baroque Borders B is a baroque ornament-font for borders. Especially in combination with Fleischmann Gotisch you can made very impressed greeting cards, wedding-greetings or decorative certificates.