

Aquinas font

Aquinas is distinguished by the contrast between its upright, generous capitals and its narrow, slanted lower case letters which look almost like italics. The combination of these so different alphabets creates an opportunity to...

Polytype Allure

Polytype Allure font

Polytype Sports

Polytype Sports font

De Louisville

De Louisville font

Relive the spirit of 19th century America in whimsical upbeat style with De Louisville tuscan. Echoing the Victorian craze for lavish decoration, De Louisville captures the antique flavor of a music parlor with refreshing...


Zealous font


Yakima font


Agincourt font

Academy Engraved

Academy Engraved font

Letraset’s talented type designer Vince Whitlock was inspired by the elegant Caslon series when he created Academy Engraved. The exquisite letterforms of this traditional Roman typestyle make it ideal wherever an elegant and classical...


Zipper font

Zipper tries to give the feeling of a typeface made with pieces of bold and thin letters pasted together.


Xerxes font