
Vinegar Pro

Vinegar Pro font

Vinegar Pro is a modern, legible serif typeface. It contains a wide range of characters, sexy ligatures, lining & old style numerals.


Volt font

Volt is a display serif font family of four styles – Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. Face geometry is extremely angular with techno look expression. While the capital letters reminiscent Alert’s caps, entire...

Bodoni Classic Initials

Bodoni Classic Initials font

I became interested in designing Bodoni Classic because of a lazy graphic designer at Jacques Damase publishing house. He had to change a single letter on a bookcover about J. B. BODONI. The French...

Bodoni Classic

Bodoni Classic font

I became interested in designing Bodoni Classic because of a lazy graphic designer at Jacques Damase publishing house. He had to change a single letter on a bookcover about J. B. BODONI. The French...


Barracuda font

Barracuda has this sharp, sharky look and I do a lot of diving with my best friend. What else is there to say? If you see a shark say hello from me. Yours from...

Sudestada Basic

Sudestada Basic font

Sudestada is a typeface with distinctive handwritten style and personality. An alternate weight provides a large number of lowercase character variations and swashes for more realistic-looking handwritten text. The OpenType version features access…


Egon font

Egon is a contemporary Slab-Serif typeface family built in ten styles—extra-light, light, regular, bold and black weights in roman and italic respectably. This is a refreshed (second) edition of Egon Serif, originally designed in...


Yarikha font

Yarikha is a geometric display font and works best in display applications, such as posters, logos and titles. It has five weights: regular, semibold, demibold, bold and extrabold, each available in italic, making a...

Mehriban Outline

Mehriban Outline font

Mehriban Outline is a revisit of Mehriban, Michael Browersí most successful text face that was originally released in 2006. Mehriban & Mehriban Outline are deconstructivist revivals inbred from Michael Browers’ previous work: Formasi and...

Media Sol

Media Sol font