

Amore font

Based on informal handwriting. The face resembles sophisticated but naive childish hand and brings associations of summer vacation and meadows spread with daisies. It may be useful in designing of invitations, picture-cards, posters, funny...


OCR-B-10 font


Nuptial font

News 706

News 706 font

News 705

News 705 font


Boondoggle font

I created this font to capture the innocence and playfulness of doodle lettering that is created in schools everywhere. Typographic rules are non-existent and the characters are sometimes oddly and incorrectly shaped but that’s...


Itonai font

Elements of the hoary prototypical Latin font, Times New Roman, redrawn as Hebrew letters. A uniquely Latin look for Hebrew! Striking when used in display capacity, or for short stretches of text. Boldface is...


Euphonia font

This compact low contrast display face in the spirit of Giambattista Bodoni’s original roman type teams familiar elements of classical design with the warmth of human presence to impart an intuitive sense of connection...

Brown Fox

Brown Fox font

BrownFox was created because I saw a need for a condensed, loose handwriting – I used my trusty nylon marker to create this font – it is rough, yet thin and elegant. BrownFox has...

Sticky Annie

Sticky Annie font

Sticky Annie is the latest in the series of fonts I’ve designed that are named after my wife. Little bundles of overlapping sticks or lines make up each character. It’s made to look good...