

Lydian font


Libra font


Liberty font

Letter Gothic 12

Letter Gothic 12 font

Lapidary 333

Lapidary 333 font

Bodoni Classic Deco

Bodoni Classic Deco font

Bodoni Classic Deco is against all rules. Giambattista Bodoni himself would probably hate me for doing it; he was a real purist. The whole idea of the Bodoni typeface is no embellishments and here...

Informal 011

Informal 011 font

OL Jenson

OL Jenson font


Billingsley font

Billingsley is a script based mainly on a writing specimen of the penman Martin Billingsley. Originally published in 1618, this version is not an exact copy as the letter-forms have been subtly modified for...

Shell Shock

Shell Shock font

Shell Shock was inspired by stencil typefaces used on military tanks and ammunition boxes. It can be enhanced with a separate set of bombs and warning signs for the typographer in power. Shell Shock...