
Morning Glory NF

Morning Glory NF font

This quaint little charmer was found under the same name in the 1893 Cleveland Type Foundry specimen book. Slightly quirky and naively elegant, it’s the perfect choice for everything from invitations to headlines. It...

Luben Tunen NF

Luben Tunen NF font

The letterforms for this unique face were found on a luggage tag designed by the Richter Studio of Milan in the 1930s; the treatment was suggested by a recent Dutch ad for the opening...

Great Lakes Shadow NF

Great Lakes Shadow NF font

Handlettering on a 1930s travel poster for the Canadian Pacific Railway provided the pattern for this distinctive Deco typeface. A strong dropshadow treatment has been added so you can create can’t-miss headlines easily. Both...

Debonair Inline NF

Debonair Inline NF font

This typeface expands Herbert Bayer’s 1931 experimental, all-lowercase “universal modern face,” Architype Bayer-Type, by adding an uppercase and adding an architectural inline treatment. Sleek, modern and sophisticated, it’s the perfect choice for…


Byington font

Byington pays respect to Trajan’s venerable lines while removing the delicate nuances generally associated with the traditional design, inspired by the antique sculptures etched into Trajan’s column in Rome. Byington’s strength rests in its...


Sailor font

Sailor is the digital rendition of a film type that was popular in the early- to late-1970s. The type was called West Futura Casual at Photo-Lettering by David West. Some of the letter shapes...


Yumi font

LTC Spire

LTC Spire font

LTC Spire with alternate caps was designed by Lanston’s type director Sol Hess in 1937. Spire Roman was designed without lowercase. But it includes alternate rounded caps which transform this extra condensed “fat face”...

LTC Pabst Oldstyle

LTC Pabst Oldstyle font

Frederic W. Goudy originally designed Pabst in 1902. This lettering was used by the Pabst Brewing Company for their promotional materials. It was later developed into type for ATF. Goudy later licensed Pabst Oldstyle...

Bad Girl

Bad Girl font

Bad Girl was designed to appeal to the young consumer and the young-at-heart. While clearly feminine, it manages to combine a charming naïveté with in-your-face rebelliousness. The awkward, rather self-involved character shapes have a...