

Konstantin font

My son Konstantin wants to become a cook. So I thought it would be a nice idea if I designed a script for his fabulous future menus as a gift for him. I think...

Worstveld Sting

Worstveld Sting font

Not to be confused with Worstveld Sling, this is a further redesign of that font.


Jains font

Plain Sans Serif Face.

Waxahachie NF

Waxahachie NF font

This unusual take on a typical woodtype typeface is based on a 1950s Stenso lettering template and, appropriately, takes its name from a small town in Texas not far from Dallas, locally noted for...

1557 Italique

1557 Italique font

Italic type was invented by Aldus Manutius in 1499 or 1501, first, before to be a style name, it was a plain font familly name. This Italique style font was inspired from these who...

1550 Arabesques

1550 Arabesques font

Font inspired by the decorative elements and opening capitals frequently in use in the early 1500s, under Geoffroy Tory’s book “Champfleury” influence, especially in Lyon (France). It is an entirely original design. It is...

1538 Schwabacher

1538 Schwabacher font

This 1538 Schwabacher was based on a font used by Georg Rhau in Wittemberg (Germany) to print Des Babsts Hercules […], a German pamphlet against roman catholicism written by Johannes Kymeus. The original font...

1532 Bastarde Lyon

1532 Bastarde Lyon font

Font designed from work by an anonymous printer in Lyon (France) to print the French popular novel Les Grandes et inestimables Chroniques du grand et enorme geant Gargantua […] in 1532. The original font...

1495 Bastarde Lyon

1495 Bastarde Lyon font

Font designed from this who was used by an unknown printer in Lyon (France) to print the “Conte de Griseldis ” (Griseldis’ tale), from Petrarque, inspired by Boccace, in 1495. The original font has...

Scottsdale Text NF

Scottsdale Text NF font

This elegant semicursive face is based on the works of J. M. Bergling from his 1914 classic Art Alphabets and Lettering. Suitable for announcements, awards and invitations, or for distinctive and unusual drop caps....