
Cyrano BB

Cyrano BB font

How do I love thee? Let me buy the font… Comes in Regular and Italic with European characters.


Rush font

Follow us to the future. It is in your face. It is fashionable. It is friendly. It is fly, far-out, funkadelic, fun. But first of all, the future is fast and full. Named after...


Jonah font

Jonah is a digitization of the early 1970s Urban film face from Franklin Photolettering. Though there seemingly is no record left of who the original designer of the font was, it strongly exhibits the...

Surely You Jest NF

Surely You Jest NF font

A late nineteenth-century type specimen catalog from Farmer, Little & Co. yielded this droll little typeface, originally called “Arbor”. The distinctive decorations of the face suggested a fool’s cap, and thus the font got...

1815 Waterloo

1815 Waterloo font

This script font was inspired by a few manuscripts and letters written by French representatives or ministers after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. It is an attempt to offer a typical handwritten script...


Medalist font

Flat pen script font designed for use on posters, titles, book covers, greeting cards, packaging, invitations, magazine articles and advertising.

Tara Bulbous NF

Tara Bulbous NF font

This new and improved version of this chunky classic by Paul Carlyle and Gus Oring includes the lowercase letters not found in earlier versions. Use it to add a little—or a lot of—panoramic panache...

Owah Tagu Siam NF

Owah Tagu Siam NF font

Not your garden-variety utility typeface but, if you need a faux Thai font, this is the one for you. The upper and lowercase positions feature variant letterforms, so you can mix and match to...

Mercantile Display NF

Mercantile Display NF font

This older, somewhat funkier relative of the classic face, Engravers Roman, made its last appearance in the 1912 ATF Specimen Book. Here, it has been revived to do yeoman-like duty in a new century....

Shady Lady NF

Shady Lady NF font

The 1907 Barnhart Brothers & Spindler type specimen catalog called this unique typeface simply “Umbra”. Since that name is already taken, it now has another. Due to the highly ornate nature of this face,...