
Love Bytes

Love Bytes font


Hammerhead font

Foreign Language

Foreign Language font


Fling-a-Ling font

Chez Nous NF

Chez Nous NF font

This delightful semiscript is based on an offering from a 1930s specimen book from the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, originally called, simply, “Card Italic”. Elegant without being stuffy, it is equally “at home” announcing anything...


Yolanda font

Yolanda, a family of three weights each more florid than the last.


Xenotype font

Xenotype is an examination of heavy horizontal weighting and develops ideas underlying 60s and 70s headline faces.


Telstar font

A space-age headline font, Telstar explores a computer-readable sci-fi aesthetic based on an obround lozenge pierced with off-centre holes; the left-right weight switch derives from early optical recognition typefaces.


Straker font

Straker is named after the beige Nehru-collared commander in Gerry Anderson’s masterpiece, UFO.

Firenza Text

Firenza Text font