
Machine Gun

Machine Gun font

A killer font.


Zingha font

Seen through the eyes of type designer Xavier Dupré, Zingha “balances French rhythm with American style.” Traditional inscriptions inspire design of the roman capitals, but Dupré allowed himself more freedom in the spirited lowercase...


Whitman font

Drawing inspiration from Dwiggins and Gill, book designer Kent Lew has treated classical design traits with a spartan finish to create award-winning Whitman, honored in 2002 by TDC. Even-tempered in text, stately and striking...

Truth FB

Truth FB font

In 1994 Apple® Computer, Inc. asked David Berlow for “a future gothic” to replace Chicago®, their system font. Now called Charcoal®, the design was released with Mac® OS 8 in 1996. Through operating system...


Stainless font

One day in his sketchbook Cyrus Highsmith began hacking the serifs off his Dispatch characters, and liked this rough start. Like any good sans, Stainless depends upon much more than amputation. Lower contrast ratios,...


Saber font

Saber began with a “lowercase,” a series of blackletter, uncial and celtic forms that appeared to Leslie Cabarga in a designer’s dream. From these illusory nocturnal images, a wide awake Cabarga dreamed up extravagant...


Relay font

Relay reaches back to the middle of the last century for inspiration. In England, Edward Johnston and Eric Gill applied humanist proportions and shapes to the geometric sanserif and established a trend within European...


Tomate font

Tomate started in 2006 as a brush lettering exercise for a poster and was later used for the ReType identity. In 2008 its author decided to turn it into a super fat typeface suitable...


Rosebud font

Rosebud is a great blend of simple yet organic rosy caps. Each big caps has a single rose while the small caps has the prickly, thorny stems. This decorative TrueType font is great for...