

Vertrina font

Vertrina marries four virtues: elegance, simplicity, character and usefulness. It started as an idea to combine two things: the elegance of classical Roman typefaces and of classical Roman architecture. The result is that rarest...


Dionisio font

Dionisio, a CastleType original, takes its inspiration from one of the overlooked treasures of the CastleType library: Ransahoff. The latter is extremely condensed and very elegant. I particularly like its hairline slab serifs and...

Pillow Puff JNL

Pillow Puff JNL font

Pillow Puff JNL is a cottony-soft, fluffy, lighter-than-air display font for novelty applications. Use it for advertising fabrics, bath tissue, baby items or anything that conveys something soft and gentle.

Off The Wall JNL

Off The Wall JNL font

Off the Wall JNL is a unique typeface that combines graffiti-style lettering with a brick wall background. special keystroke features give you a complete “wall of text”: { (left bracket) places a smaller closed...

Album Cover JNL

Album Cover JNL font

An older typeface belonging to a family of sans serif fonts known as Grotesque (or Grotesk in the classic spelling) has been re-drawn by Jeff Levine and released as Album Cover JNL. The font’s...


Tumbletype font

Tumbletype offers two faces with a fun antique look. This is a rough and tumble Roman face with a hand-cast and much-used look, ideal for recreating early printed documents. Use it for headings and...

ITC Busorama

ITC Busorama font

ITC Bottleneck

ITC Bottleneck font

ITC Biblon

ITC Biblon font

ITC Bette

ITC Bette font